Stiltz Lifts are small residential lifts designed to fit easily into most homes. The lifts utilize an innovative gantry style rail design to carry the weight of the cab as it travels between floors. This design is also referred to as rail bearing and with its unique rail and overhead drive, the Stiltz lift can be placed almost anywhere in an existing home.
Stiltz once manufactured two product lines, the Classic and the Alta. The original Classic model had a basic cab style and a standard, less expensive version was discontinued in 2021. The Classic has since been replaced with the more modern Alta model. The Alta is Stiltz high-end model for buyers wanting a clear glass elevator look with all the latest features.
The Alta is available in two sizes, Duo and Trio. The Duo is the smaller model the Trio a larger version. Stiltz through floor elevators are sold by a dealer network in the US, Canada, and the UK. Stiltz Lifts USA office is located in Bethlehem, PA 18017. We’re often asked if Stiltz and Lifton are the same lift, the answer is yes the lifts are the same model they are simply branded as Stiltz or Lifton.
How Much Does a Stiltz Lift Cost?
The price will depend on the model, size, location, applicable codes and installation. In general, the range will be $25,000 to $29,000 for the elevator and installation. The Duo Alta sells on average for $25,000 while the larger Trio Alta high-end unit sells for approximately $29,000 installed.
The floor opening, electric, phone line and building permits will be a separate additional cost. In most cases, the construction will be substantially less than what is required for traditional style elevators.
Alta Elevator Brochure (PDF)
Classic Model Brochure (PDF) Discontinued
Trio Alta Model
Duo Alta Elevator Model
The Stiltz Duo Alta elegant design and clear cab body are made to compliment your style and decor. It’s compact and versatile design allows for installation in the corner of a room, in a closet or in a stairwell opening. Alternatively, the elevator can even be placed in the center of a room or entrance hallway.
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